Saturday, April 5, 2014

ROMP 3, 2014

Sunday, May 4th, 2014

Departure:  10:30

Meeting point:
The Parlor
4603 East Broadway
North Little Rock, AR

We'll head out around 10:30, gas up right after departure, and head from North Little Rock down to Coy, where Ken Fisher and friends will be cooking hamburgers and hot dogs in a shaded pavilion near the swamp.  Everyone feel free to hang out and leave from there as they'd please. Also, if you don't mind, bring some dollars to tip Ken for the cost of food and beverage! If you have a bowling ball that you're not sure if you want back, we'll be launching the cannon into the swamp, so bring it!

Also, follow us on Instagram @rompinthaswamp and tag your buddies.